Leadership Training For Christ (LTC) is a nation-wide program of the churches of Christ which seeks to mentor students in ways of serving God while exploring and developing their own unique talents and interests.   Students in 3rd through 12th grades partiipate in individual.and group actiivities throughout the fall and spring, culminating in an annual regional convention over Easter weekend.  We are fortunate that this event is held here in Tucson, but Christians from all over the southwestern United States travel to share and celebrate together.  Below is a list of some activities offered by LTC.

For more information please visit the official LTC web site.


Bible Bowl: To challenge students to achieve an in-depth knowledge of God’s word. Each year all questions will be taken from a different book of the Bible relating to the year's theme.

Bible Reading: Motivate young people to develop their skills through the oral reading of Scriptures.

Bulletin Board: Help young people develop the ability to use creative ideas and techniques to communicate a Biblical thought or theme.

Chorus: Present a cappella music in a choral setting in order to encourage believers and to praise God.

Christian Art: Encourages communication of the participant’s faith and beliefs through the artistic medium of sculpturing, photography, painting, drawing, etc.

Christian Film and Media: n this videotaped event student actors/actresses dress in appropriate costumes to dramatize a Bible story or contemporary skit that illustrates the current LTC theme.

Drama: Encourage students to dramatize modern-day life applications to Christian truths. Through drama, youth see the issues they confront acted out, becoming more receptive to hearing what God has to say.

Puppets: Encourages the presentation of Biblical stories and principles through the use of puppets.

Scrapbook: Allows students to create a pictorial and written album of leadership development and related activities within our congregation.

Signing & Interpreting for the Deaf: Encourages students to develop the skill of signing so that they can communicate and develop relationships with the hearing impaired.

Song Leading: Encourages the development of song leading skills in both young men and women.

Speech: Provides an opportunity for young people to develop their verbal communication talents by observing and sharing their public speaking skills.

Bible Class Teaching: Encourages young people to develop creative teaching skills. (This involves planning and teaching a single lesson.)

Christian Essay: Challenges individuals to use the written word to communicate God’s message.

Christian Fiction: Encourages those who enjoy creative writing to use their skill in a Christian arena.

Christian Poetry: Develops the ability to express spiritual feelings and thoughts in the form of rhyme and verse.

Scripture Challenge: Promotes the habit of memorizing at least 100 verses during the year. It promotes the use of quoted scriptures in lessons and conversations.

Service Challenge: Encourages students to make Christian service an integral part of their lifestyle. The student has many, many different projects from which to choose.

Video Blast: The participant is to design and present a short video clip which would reach out to the community and encourage them with the message of God.

LTC Adult Coordinator / Teen Coordinator Interest Form (PDF)